Oct 162012

Last week my PC died. I was working in Windows, went to the living room for some coffee or something else, and when I came back there was an error on the screen telling me that Windows couldn’t not find this and that volume (the D: drive). Not sure why this was, I restarted Windows only to find that it would not boot without checking the faulty volume.

But it took ages to get even some progress, so I restarted again. Same story. I thought: let’s really powerdown by flipping the switch on the backside of the PC. So I did. Flipping it on again blew out the power in the whole room. And the bedroom. A fuse blew! Restoring the power brought everything back to live, except my PC. Dead as a doornail.


Earlier I bought a new powersupply, to no rescure: more was broken. Yesterday I bought a new motherboard, an Intel Core i5-3570 CPU and 16GB of memory to go with that. I installed the whole shebang, only to find that Windows does not like major changes. Windows is autistic. I tried the repair option by booting from the Windows DVD, but that did not help a bit.

So I reinstalling my system now. Great. No dataloss I guess, the data is not on the Windows disk.

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