Jan 162013

I saw that images in old posts weren’t showing, so for what it’s worth I restored the images as far as I could find them. That’s the problem with harddisk crashes, not everything can be restored. If you’re missing anything, tell me.

Jan 162013

Ubuntu 12.04 has the default firewall ufw enabled, but I rather use iptables. And everytime I reboot the system, I run a script to enable the firewall rules again. But I just found out I don’t need to, there’s a tool for that. Of course.

sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent

That asks you to save the current IPv4 and IPv6 rules and creates a service that is started at boot time so it reads the created files.


Jan 132013

Another year gone, the new year has started. For me 2012 wasn’t the best year, so I’m making some changes. Some already in effect, some changes still to come. Change is good!

All in all I think I want to be happy, so that’s what I will be.

PS Yes, new WordPress, and since change is good, I changed the theme here…