Dec 112010

So you want to develop in .NET, let’s say with Visual Studio 2008. Let’s say you want to create a program that interacts with your or any other Oracle database. Sounds pretty simple. New project, add references to the Oracle.DataAccess.dll and you’re good to go.


Visual Studio is a stupid 32bits program. So it doesn’t recognize the 64-bits libraries you just installed in the GAC. And to make things worse, neither does it recognize the 32-bits libraries when you install a 32-bits client (with ODP.NET) or just 32-bits ODP.NET.


Yes, I googled around. Yes, I tried numerous socalled solutions. Yes, the build runs succesfully. No, the exception about the Oracle dll won’t go away.

Thank you, oh great Oracle god, with ye allmighty knowledge (which roughly translates into: YOU SUCK!)

BTW Did you ever install ODP.NET? Or any other Oracle software or patch? No wonder clients pay me tons of money to have their Oracle shit sorted out. What’s wrong with a Next-Next-Finish installation on Windows? And wait a minute, what’s wrong with a Next-Next-Finish on every other OS? OUI you say? I know I’m old, and I already work over 2 decades with Oracle, but at least I had the decency to LEARN something in 20+ years.

Sep 302010

Unexpected news from Oracle: SQL Developer Data Modeler is now a free product. The first editions where free with the sidenote that it was going to be a paid product. The previous release was present in Oracle Global Pricing list and was not cheap. Only the viewer was free. Now Oracle’s website has a note saying that the Datamodeler is a free product: Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler: Pricing FAQ. Unexpected, but welcome news.

Aug 052010

Dear Oracle spatial experts,

When I don’t license Oracle spatial, but only want to use Locator (as described in Appendix B of the Spatial User Guide), is it allowed to load the SDO Java classes into the database ($/md/admin/sdoloadj.sql)? Or does loading the Java classes mean that one switches to using Oracle Spatial, and thus requiring a valid license?

Comments are greatly appreciated. Perhaps Simon is reading this?

Jul 262010

For some reason, a client did not have Oracle Locator (10g) installed. So I started DBCA (I’m lazy), selected the correct database and selected “JVM”, “XML DB” and “InterMedia” standard database options to be installed. That should do the trick.
But only when you have enough free storage in your SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces. Naturally, there was 3MB free space in system and a similar amount in SYSAUX. So the installer barfed on me. Hey, let’s just add some space (extra datafiles) and restart.

Say it ain’t so: Oracle crashed, but does not clean up after its behind. It does not rollback the installation! Therefore you cannot just restart or reinstall. Great. That’s what they mean by a mature product? The JVM has been in the database since, what is it, Oracle 8i?

1) Remove JVM: ?/javavm/install/rmjvm.sql
2) Bounce the database (if you forget to bounce, you will get an ORA-00028)
3) Start dbca and install jvm (and the rest)

Jun 152010

To reset the sys password of a database, do the following:

1) rename/delete ${ORACLE_HOME}/database/PWD{ORACLE_SID}.ora
2) enter the command: orapwd file=${ORACLE_HOME}/database/PWD{ORACLE_SID}.ora password=newpassword
3) start “sqlplus /nolog”
4) login with sys and the newpassword (SQL> connect sys/newpassword as sysdba)
5) now reset other passwords or just be done

May 172010

I was asked to install Oracle 10gR2 on one of the clients new machines. Of course I had trouble installing it, since the OS was CentOS and not one of the certified Oracle platforms. The trouble with installing Oracle x64 on non-supported systems is the relinking process. You always run into libraries that cannot be found, or some other shit that’s still looking for 32-bit software/libraries. In my opinion x64 should be the default and all server software should be backported to x86, but that’s just my opinion.

Thanks to this post I was able get Oracle to install properly, basically because the list of prerequisite packages in Oracle’s installation guide is to short. This list (at least on CentOS 5.4) should do the trick:


You don’t need the exact versions. Just do a “yum install compat-gcc-34” for instance, and if the installed version is higher, you’re safe.

Nov 042009

If you’re a happy GeoServer 1.7.x user, then seriously consider upgrading to GeoServer 2.0. It’s a lot faster, its menu structure is a lot better, the UI is much improved (with a touch of Ajax here and there). I found some minor issues (which I’m looking into before raising my voice), but nothing that should keep you from updating.

I run GeoServer in Oracle’s OC4J 10gR2 (the standalone development version), and it runs without any problems. Since the OC4J is declared dead, I will be looking into deploying it to Weblogic, but that’s a completely different monster to conquer…

Sep 072009

Finally, it works. I found some new samples on the OpenLayers site and some posts in the mailinglist that OpenLayers.Layers.WFS just plainly sucks. Indeed, so I experienced. Instead the writer suggested to use OpenLayers.Layer.Vector and give it a type WFST. So I googled around for some samples, found one, modified it, and….voila….no more empty geometries in the database. YEAH!