Apr 132004

A couple of minutes ago, I installed Mozilla FireFox, because one of the blogsites I visited had a very annoying textframe, saying that the site was optimized to be viewed within FireFox and I should upgrade away from IE. To be honest, I quite like FireFox. It’s fast, it’s complete install is less than 7MB in downloadsize, and some site do look better. I read in one of the Delphiblogs that this guy only used IE to properly view the MSDN site. And that turned out to be a bug in IE, not in FireFox….

Tabbed browsing is not something new, but I had never used it. It’ll take some time to really get used to it, but if you ask me now, then I think I like it.

What I don’t understand, is why it’s called FireFox now. It was FireBird, and before that it had all kinds of other names. Why is that? Could someone explain that?

Update: ik heb hier al gevonden wat dat geneuzel met die naam is.

 Posted by at 23:25

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