May 102004

Please turn off register_globals in your php.ini or make sure your webserver is setup to obey .htaccess files.

This is what I get, when I try to run Issue Tracker. *sigh* I wish I could make IIS obey .htaccess files.

 Posted by at 20:46
May 102004

I was looking for a decent Issue Tracker to support my clients. It would serve the purpose of having them know what the status of their issues (problems, questions, rfc’s) is on a I-need-to-know-now basis, whithout bothering me, or without me bothering them everytime something has changed.

A couple of weeks ago, in my .NET rulez period, I tried the IssueTracker Start Kit. Although it works, it was not really what I was looking for. Basically, it has the work-in-progress feel to it, and that’s what it is.

Today I came accross Tuxmonkey’s Issue Tracker, a piece of platform-independent software that uses PHP and Postgres/MySQL. The demo on their website gives you the opportunity to test it without having to install anything.

This is my IssueTracker of choice. When I get home I will install it, and take it into production. The client needs to know what’s up. The client is king.

 Posted by at 13:10
May 102004

Google has modified the look and feel of Blogger. The functionality had not change since Google acquired Blogger back in 2003. Changes include more functionality (comments, pictures) and more standard templates. Still, the service remains free.

If they would only change their engine to include (multiple) categories per post, then I think Blogger will be one of the best pieces of blog-software out there.

 Posted by at 11:03