Jan 042005

Okay, so IronPython is a .NET language. Let’s see if we can pull this of: connect to Oracle using the ODP.NET drivers from Oracle.

The first time I opened the connection, I got an ORA-12541, reminding me that I switched the database to manual startup. I started the listener and the database and the second time the connection went okay.

Wow. This is powerfull stuff. And…in realtime. No compiling needed.

 Posted by at 23:24
Jan 042005

If you use Mozilla Firefox (and why shouldn’t you?!) and you regularly leech content from pages, you should try downTHEMall. It’s a plugin that install in the Tools-menu, and with a page present, you can select downTHEMall. It displays a dialog WHAT you want to download and WHERE you want to save it. After using it, you can also select Turbo-DTA, that uses them same settings as the last time without presenting a dialog.

 Posted by at 17:33
Jan 042005

I mentioned that ActivePython is a .NET language, as IronPython is. But the command:

>>> from System.Windows.Forms import *

results in an errormessage: Importerror: No module named System.Windows.Forms.

 Posted by at 12:09
Jan 042005

Apress is giving away the ebook “Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop”. And if you don’t want to receive their newsletter, you don’t even need to supply an e-mail-address. The download is split into two parts: the book itself (3.8MByte PDF) and the accompanying source-code (5.9Mbyte ZIP).

 Posted by at 11:27
Jan 042005

It sure is a simple language to learn. Thanks to all the people that blogged about it. Very usable language. Simple (and dymanic) semantics. To be used as scripting or as standalone programming language. And IronPython (as well as ActivePython) are .NET languages!

 Posted by at 00:15