Apr 012005

I was browsing some websites this afternoon, and read somewhere (I think on the DailyWTF forums) that Java and C# syntax are almost the same. So this evening I thought: why not give it a try and create a simple C# web-application. So here I go…

1) Start Delphi2005
2) File->New->C# web application
3) Give it a name etc.
4) Look at the canvas: it says “Form is in gridbaglayout. If you want to …. blablabla”.
5) Now drop a button on the form
6) Move the button
7) Try to move it again
8) Don’t get annoyed: it’s not possible.
9) Close all and exit Delphi2005

Now do the same, except change the first into:

1) Start VS.NET
7) Hey, the button has moved
8) Be surprised, but…
9) Continue coding

If that’s not a WTF, than what is? Perhaps this is: running the (not so good looking) page/application (just some inputfields and buttons doing nothing) for the second time gave me the annoying “can’t connect to the asp workerprocess” error. VS.NET has no trouble running the pages time after time.

View what I did here. Please comment if this is a known bug that I did not know about (quite possible) or if you know that I did something utterly stupid (extremely possible).

 Posted by at 00:18