Jul 272006

When I look at the server-installations of most of our clients, I always ask myself: why on earth do they use the old version of this-or-that software package. Why don’t they just upgrade to the latest and greatest?
When reflecting this question onto myself: why don’t you just upgrade to the latest and greatest? Why is the Gallery2 software still not up and running?

On my laptop, I installed a fresh Apache 2.2, a fresh MySQL 5, a fresh PHP 5.1 (and 5.2 snapshot). On my laptop, Gallery2 runs superb, with the only exception that PHP can not be run as an Apache module but only in CGI-mode. This is because the DLL’s to run as an module for Apache 2.2 are not production ready yet. Only for Apache 2.0. When using the DLL’s from the 5.2 snapshot, it keeps complaining about not finding MySQL support. But it’s there in CGI-mode (with the same PHP.INI).
Anyways. You can see where this post is going. To be able to upgrade my server to the latest and greatest, I need to check whether WordPress (this blog) still runs, if the other stuff will keep running (phpMyAdmin, CopperMine, my Wiki, etc).

So there I have my answer. I’m only an individual with relatively little software that needs to be upgraded in a cascade of upgrade. Our clients have numerous applications on several servers, with different software suppliers, different support levels and don’t forget: their upgrades cost a lot of money. Mine only cost spare time.

I’m confident however that my software upgrade will be possible, since the key-applications are already functioning in the test-environment. When the time comes to upgrade the server, I will post a message here.

 Posted by at 20:59