Jan 132009

Some time ago, I installed OpenSolaris into VirtualBox. Not sure what for, but I needed to test something recently and started the OpenSolaris guest OS. Unfortunately, non of the passwords and/or users I normally use seemed to work. It was a test installation anyway, so I deleted the installation.
Now I’ve installed OpenSolaris (2008.11) again, and…..in the description field of the guest OS (in VirtualBox) I wrote down the root-password and the normal user and password combination. Simple, but very effective.

 Posted by at 16:36
Jan 132009

After a lot of Googling and trying different drivers (without much luck), I now have my X in reasonably working order. I manually inserted the modules DRM and RADEON into the kernel, changed my Xorg.conf driver to “ati” (instead of fglrx) and now I have a 1920×1200 resolution again. Still no hardware acceleration or other bells and whistles, but this will do until I buy a new motherboard (with PCIe), and an Nvidia videocard.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed until the next (kernel)update will fuck things up. At least now I know what *can* be done.

 Posted by at 14:14