Mar 042010

When I stopped being a freelancer, my salary dropped dramatically (to about 25%). We (back then I was part of a “we”) coped, but we needed to cut back some expenses. One of the things were my contacts. I bought them at a very good, but expensive specialist, so I switched to the so called LTP (Lens Totaal Plan) from Hans Anders. You save some money each month and after six months this money is enough for 6 pairs of contacts. And so it goes on and on. It was said, that whenever you would stop the program, the money you had save up until then, would be refunded.
Last week I sent in the form to stop the LTP. Today I got the confirmation letter. Along with a coupon for the money saved so far. To find that this money can only be spend on……contacts in a Hans Anders shop. Not even glasses, or sunglasses, no…just contacts.

What a big ugly fuck-up company Hans Anders is!


  One Response to “Fuck Hans Anders!”

  1. IS the coupon set on name? If not you could maybe sell it or give it away.
    Somebody could be happy with Hans and if so, they probably will be happy with the coupon.
    But its still a lousy way to treat customers

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