May 042004

Recently I’m getting the “too many users connected” error-message from ISS on a regular basis. That’s when you get when you put Windows XP to perform server-tasks: ISS is limited to 10 simultaneous connections.

Apache is a great webserver: I used it on my Linux machines and was very pleased with the configurability and the performance. But…how about server ASP.NET pages with it? The Mono project does such a thing, for non-Windows platforms, but isn’t there a way to have Apache on Win32 call the aspnet_isapi.dll via the extension? I’ve read that isapi extensions are bound to restrictions (no asynchronous I/O) as described on this page, but is it possible?

I tried the solution Apache for non-ASP.NET and a redirect to Cassini for ASP.NET some time ago, but couldn’t get everything to work, mainly because of the limited functionality of Cassini.

There must be a way to get the best of both worlds. Please comment.

 Posted by at 10:10

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