Apr 212005

The appointments from the ERP-application come in two flavours. A “real” appointment, with attendees and a real date and time that it occurs. And a “structure” appointment. Only very basicly defined occuring on a certain weekday (Friday, from 9:40 – 10:00 am). The “structure” appointments are filled in later, but they are used by the planning department to see what the employees have designated their timeblocks to.
E-Sync now differentiates between real and structure appointments, also marking the structure appointments as “free”, instead of busy.

What I need to do before the first release is:
– Read attendee information from the database. Their unique number is not informative enough
– Save the entered values for next time E-Sync starts (and don’t show the defaults anymore)
– Make the colors per appointmenttype configurable

The first release is planned for May, 2nd (that’s a Monday). Very exciting.

 Posted by at 01:24

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